Wednesday, February 6, 2008

So Where Were We. . .

. . . Ah yes, Santa Fe. Santa Fe is cold. We arrived in the mountainous city just in time, as we stalled the bus pulling into Beth's neighborhood. We had depleted our filtered veggie oil down too low, due to the difficulty of filtering veggie oil in the cold, and sucked up some air into the veggie oil lines. Lucky for us, the bus also runs on diesel so we switched over for the last half mile and pulled into the driveway weary and cold. Santa Fe is cold.

<--Santa Fe


While in Santa Fe we did many fun and adventurous things, almost all of them indoors, because Santa Fe is cold. We went indoor rockclimbing, watched Beth (remember Beth, she's Betsy's roommate from Scotland, we mentioned her several months ago in the last blog). Anyways we watched her play indoor ultimate frisby, she's very good, she can make frisbies do majical things, and she was nice enough to let us stay in her house, which was warm. Thus, we were able to filter veggie oil, because we put in her house, which was warm, and then in her bathub filled with hot water from our showers, which was very warm. So we were able to filter veggie oil, kind of, because our pump was dying, because it pumped too much veggie oil in the high dessert, which was cold. We also went hiking and it snowed pretty hard while we hiked, because we were in Santa Fe, and Santa Fe is cold. It was the bus's firs experience in the snow, I'm not sure how much it liked it. We also found some more veggie oil in Santa Fe after looking very hard all day and almost giving up and getting very cold, because, well, Santa Fe is cold.

Betsy in the snow & The bus's first snow.

By the way, Santa Fe is in the desert, in the south, in New Mexico. I don't know about you, but when I think desert of New Mexico, cold is not the first thing that comes to mind, neither is snow, which it did alot. In fact, it snowed so much, that we had to stay at Beths for an extra couple of days and her grandmother was late for her own funeral, due to the fact that it was also snowing in Chicago, where her funeral was. In addition to this unfortunate event, Betsy and I could not go to the Grand Canyon, as planned, since the Grand Canyon was officially covered in 3 feet of friggin snow, thus making it cold, and unsuitable for camping in a bus, not to mention a tiny tent.
On the Way to Phoenix (crossing the continental divide).

So we went to Phoenix, which is warm. First though, we had to cross the continental divide, which is cold, and very high, and snowy. So we did that, and the bus protested, because it doesn't like to start when it was -10 the night before, and the filter clogged and we were once again running low on filtered veggie oil, due to the fact that we were in the friggin high desert, which is cold. So we saw some cool canyons, and drove on some treacherous snowy roads and stalled several times, and eventually got to my family's friend, Mary's house, just outside of Phenix, which is warm. And it was very nice to finally be warm.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Guess what? We had a wonderful few weeks here with sun and temperatures hitting the mid to upper 60s. The ski mountain officially closed this weekend and today (wed) it snowed!!!! Yes. This place is quite ridiculous, and that is why I am moving. To somewhere else where it will probably be colder and have more snow...but at least it won't be the desert, and the snow will be expected.

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Track Our Journey
The journey continues. . . 5 years later